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Multiclassing Barbarian In 5e Uncharted Territories

Multiclassing Barbarian in 5E: Uncharted Territories

The Barbarian's Bane: Lack of Coverage

Barbarians excel in close-quarters combat, but their shortcomings lie in versatility and survivability.

Best Multiclass Options

To address these weaknesses, consider multiclassing with the following classes:

1. Fighter

* Enhances combat prowess with Fighting Styles and Action Surge. * Expands weapon proficiencies and combat maneuvers.

2. Rage-Compatible Classes

* Choose classes that allow Rage to still function while not wearing Heavy Armor. * These include Monk, Paladin, and Sorcerer (with the Draconic Bloodline).

3. Classes with Utility and Survivability

* Consider multiclassing with Bard, Druid, or Cleric for their spellcasting abilities. * These classes provide healing, utility spells, and defensive options.

Solid Bonus Abilities

In addition to these multiclass options, be aware of these bonus abilities that enhance the Barbarian: * Great Weapon Master (Fighter): Increases damage output with heavy weapons. * Resilient Constitution (Any): Boosts Constitution to improve HP and Concentration saves. * Savage Attacker (Barbarian): Increases critical hit damage by +2.
