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A Comprehensive Guide To The Elven Mage

Who is Solas in Dragon Age?

A Comprehensive Guide to the Elven Mage


WEB Solas is the first romance option to be available only to elven playable characters in the Dragon Age series. WEB Solas is a character in BioWare's Dragon Age franchise. He first appears in the 2014 video game Dragon Age Inquisition, where he serves as a party member.


WEB You meet Solas at the start of Dragon Age. He presents himself as a self-taught rogue mage and an expert in The Fade, the realm of spirits. WEB Solas has spent his life as an apostate living in the wilderness, well away from the civilized world and those who would shackle him for what he is.


Solas is a complex and enigmatic character. He is intelligent, curious, and passionate about knowledge. He is also fiercely independent and has a strong sense of justice. He seeks to learn all he can about the world and its history, but he is also aware of its dangers, WEB Solas is referred to by Varric as "the Dread Wolf," an ancient elven god of trickery and rebellion. Whether or not Solas is actually the Dread Wolf is still an unanswered question in the Dragon Age universe.

Role in Dragon Age Inquisition

In Dragon Age Inquisition, Solas plays a major role in the story. He is a valuable member of the Inquisition, and he provides the player with unique insights into the game's world and lore. WEB Solas is a powerful mage, and he can be a valuable asset in combat. He is also a skilled diplomat, and he can help the player to build relationships with other factions in the game.
